Category Archives: Health

Spring semester 2010

I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off!

My semester just started on Wednesday and I am already booked solid. This does not even include school and study time.

I had some paper work to do for my internship, I love being an intern and I will do pretty much whatever needs to be done. Which is why I ended up with the task to enter clothing inventory for 70 people into a spreadsheet.

It’s seriously been taking me forever. But I have to just suck it up and do it.

I have been having some AMAZING eats.

The wonderful lovely people at Pom Wonderful sent me a few samples of  100% Pomegranate Juice.

Despite all the amazing antioxidants the juice contains I had a hard time adjusting to the tart taste of the juice.

So I decided to mix it up a little.

Clear Splash+ Pom Wonderful = AMAZINGGGGG. It was sooo much better than soda. My taste buds had a field day.

I hope I don’t start looking like


Because I have been killing some serious spinach.

Burrito style

Corn+ Tabouli+ Plain non-fat yogurt+Potatoes+ Spanish ( cooked)+ Peppers + Corn

Wrap style

Tj’s horseradish hummus+ Spinach and potatoes combo

And my fav combo


I am obsessed. And when I get obsessed with something I eat it for three days straight…

Speaking of an obsession. Have you all tried Popchips?


I snagged a bag at Costo last week- and I am SERIOUSLY obsessed! They taste AMAZING and the best part is that they are HEALTHY.

“We don’t fry it (unhealthy). We don’t bake it (undelicious). We take wholesome potatoes, add a little heat and pressure, and pop! It’s a chip. The only thing added is a flavorful blend of seasonings for a snack so delicious and crispy, you won’t even notice it’s (we hesitate to say) healthier.” Popchips

Obviously being at school does change my lifestyle I have all 8 am classes and I have not been going to bed till 2am most nights. This gives me about 4 hours of sleep, I don’t like to make a habit of this but my body will have to adjust. I have been sticking with my plan of watching what I eat and it’s been amazing so far. This month I have lost 5 pounds.

This is bringing me closer to my goal of having a healthy weight.

I may be eating less, but I don’t feel less full. My body lets me know when I am not eating enough- through the form of headaches. Not sure if this happens to anyone else, but it is annoying. Even if I am late eating a meal.

I have been hitting the gym everyday with low impact exercise, my injury is still feeling great. I am aiming to start running mid-feb.

Until then it is cycling and power walking at 4.5 with an incline of 5.

When I workout I feel attractive.

Happy Friday!!!!

Are you doing anything exciting this weekend?

152- Me, Myself and I

156.5– Dec 31st

This is not a diet post.

January has been a lovely month so far. I am on break till the 27th and other than going to the gym and spending time with my family I have not been doing much. With that said I have spent a lot of time thinking about my life and where I am going for my future.

I have not started 2010 with many of the friendships that I had in 2009. For reasons unclear to me, I can’t seem to maintain friendships. I asked a casual friend of mine who I know would be honest with me what he thought of me. Without much hesitation he responded, ” you are a very nice person.”

I am a nice person, I care a lot about the people in my life and try to show them that. Apparently, I am still not getting it done. Truthfully, friendships stress me out.  There is a lot of expectation when it comes to being a friend. I fear I may never be able to have a lasting friendship. There is a art to having a healthy friendship, one that I have not yet mastered.

With that being said, there is one friendship that I have been working hard on and that is the one with myself.

I want to have a strong relationship with myself that lets me get through the good and bad times.

I want to be able to feel good about myself even when I don’t have a good friend around me. It may not be something that I had control over. People come and go.

I want to be able to maintain healthy eating habits that last a lifetime. I feel like this month I have been able to come up with something that works for me. I don’t want to feel like I can’t enjoy the foods I love because I am not at my “healthy weight”. I trust that my body will tell me when I have eaten enough or not enough.

Thanks for reading my injury posts I and II I have come along way from being in pain and it was truly a testing journey. I am so blessed at the ability to be healthy.

I have been hitting the gym everyday. Non impact exercise is something that I have never done in the past. But cranking out on the elliptical and stationary bike is rewarding when I can see results in my weight.

I don’t count calories– because I want to be able to use my judgment when it comes to eating. I have never counted calories and I don’t plan on it. Food gives me the energy to carry on my daily activities. As a biochemistry major I know it is a very vital part of my bodily function. I can’t put a number on that.

What I can put a number on is my weight. Because that is what I am. When I get to a “healthy weight” I won’t have to keep track and know that I am just that. Healthy.

Being at the age of 20- I feel like I have my entire life in front of me. The choices that I make in the next few years will shape my future. I don’t want to look back and have any regret.


Food bloggers have some staple food items we all know what they are OIAJ?

I have some of my own.

#1 Fennel Seeds


– I mainly use this as a digestive aid, it is known to reduce bloating and cramps. I for some reason an obsessed with them, whenever I have a stomach ache I always have a small handful. I also eat them after most of my meals. There are other benefits to these seeds, however this is the only reason I eat them. They taste like faintly like licorice. You can find these seeds in most grocery store.

#2 Cranberry Juice


– 100% Cranberry Juice is useful in preventing urinary tract, bladder and kidney infections. It can have a tart taste so some you may want to mix it with something else. I have always loved cranberry juice and I prefer it over soda or anything else.

I hope everyone is enjoying their Monday off! I am off to the gym !

Follow me on twitter @simplysana- I love tweeting with my readers.


“An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.” ~ MLK

Part II- The injury

Missed Part I?

Summer 2009- So while taking two summer classes ( Physics and Organic Lab) as well as teaching boot camp.

I started physical therapy for my ” disc” problem- I was going 2X a week. Along with back extensions to move the disc back in place I was getting ice and electrode therapy.

I was disappointed that nothing was helping, but I decided to stick with it because it might work out in the end.

Meanwhile my symptoms were getting worse, I could not sit or walk for long. Sitting for long like driving caused a tingling nerve pain down my legs. And bending down to tie my shoes was out of the question

I went back to my spine surgeon at the end of the summer for some more options.

Option #1 MRI

Option#2 Steroid Pack ( to reduce nerve inflammation)

I went with the open MRI.


Yeah- it looks totally harmless- but I had a panic attack in the middle and I wanted to stop. I did not have my contacts on so I could not see that I was not as trapped as I felt. However, there was noway to stop the test and have me come back another day. So my mom came in and sat next to me and I was able to finish it.

The results of the MRI showed that I had Spondylolysis (Pars Fracture of the Spine). This is not the same thing as the disc problem I went to PT for. In fact all the exercises I was doing- worsen the condition that I do have.

Well my doctor called me over the phone and told me to exercise by walking up hill and that I should be better in 6-8weeks.

6-8 weeks later– I was NOT better and still miserable and so I went back to the doctor.

Here were my options:

Option #2 Steroid Pack ( to reduce nerve inflammation)

Option #3 Back brace

I went with the back brace.

I name my back brace turtle !

With the help of a good friend I wore this bad boy for 6 weeks. I even got over my fear of pills and took the steroid pack.

Today- I am 91% better! This was a long journey- but getting better is soo worth it. I spent most of the year feeling sorry for myself and gained 20 pounds. I was not focused on what I was eat- I ate whatever made me feel good. It was not until Jan 1st that I started to watch what I ate.

Just by tracking what I eat daily I have lost 3 pounds.

– I have also been working out: I am going to stick with non impact workouts till March, because I still feel pain in my back every now and then. If in March  I am feeling 100% better I will start training for my first 1/2 marathon in October.

I will wear my back brace every now and then, when I feel like I need it.

Moral of the story: Keep going back to the doctor until you get the RIGHT solution. Being injury and pain free is worth it.

Life is all about choices.

You can choose to be


glass half empty or glass half full. Speaking of which I need to remember to drink more water…

You can also choose to eat the same thing for breakfast every day of the week

because it is so freakin’ yum.

You can choose to eat dahl( lentils) and hummus together

because they are basically cousins.

You can chose to put your plate away at a dinner party

to stop yourself from getting a 2nd helping.

But you can instead choose get dessert

and take sketchy pictures of it in the dark.

You can also choose to skip working out for the day because you don’t feel like showering again.

Life is all about the choices that we make.

What will you choose to do today?

And the winner is….

You are just going to have to scroll to the bottom to find out!

I had a headache last night so I took my time getting up and missed the D.C blogger meet up. I was super bummed.

I cheered myself up with Strawberry Chobani!

w/ granola. I could eat this every single day! Maybe.

Today I was not in the mood to workout. I just wanted to curl up and get back into bed. But I decided to just go for 30 mins. And if I hated it I would come back.

I kept with Elliptical Challenge 2010 and cranked out a fast 15 mins!

Today Ms. Matchy-matchy was no where to be found. Maybe she was off shopping for another outfit?

So I was left with Mr. Under Armour.

And we had at it.

Pedaling away on the seated bike. I won. Of course!

I finished my 30 mins and booked it home for some un pictured pita chips and hummus. Basically the best thing on Earth.

My mom and I hit up the mall. She had some gifts to buy so I tagged along. I am not big on shopping these days. I don’t want to try fitting into some new clothes- I have plenty at home to do so.

I did have some important business to take care of. I am a member of the Godiva Rewards Club and I wanted to go in and get my FREE chocolate of the month. Boy was I excited!

I of course wanted everything!

But I settled for the Milk Chocolate Truffle

I split it in half with my mom.  And it was worth every bite. We already know what we want next month 🙂

Shopping has to be a workout! Between dodging all the pushy kiosk sellers and sprinting past all the slow people that stop to look at e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. I was pooped when I made it home.

I came home and made a TJ special

Spinach and Chive pasta with a slightly healthier version of Tj’s Alfredo sauce.

I am a happy girl 🙂

For the rest of the night I will have some tea and grapes w/ Chobani if I feel snacky.

And now to the moment you have all been waiting for!

The winner is: lowandbhold

“Oh I loooove Chobani! Yay for your first giveaway!

Safety and good to me is family.”

-Please e-mail me at supersana786 [at] gmail [dot] com with your full name and mailing address!

Thank you all for entering my giveaway it was nice to read all of your symbols of good and safety

They had me at free towels…

* Don’t forget to enter my Chobani Giveaway*

I hope everyone is having a lovely first day of the year- I know am!

Last night I went out to dinner with my family to my favorite Afghan Kabob place.

Usually I can kill two beef kabob’s but this time I opted to bring some TJ’s Risotto that I had made earlier.

It was pretty easy to make- I will be for sure bringing it to school with me for an easy lunch.

The risotto was front and center, I only ate 3 pieces of chicken along with some of the salad and rice. I always get my food in a take out container, that way if I don’t want to eat everything I can box it up and take it home. And that is exactly what I did.

To round up my New Year’s Eve I toasted with some delish and much needed hot chocolate as my family and I huddled by the heater- waiting for a certain ball to drop.

I only used 1/2 the packet w/ skim milk. I plan on using the rest tonight 🙂

I started 2010 off with a BANG!

Or as you all might see it as the most boring breakfast ever….

Organic granola with Fat free milk

Judge me all you want. It was super yum!

Truthfully I am not awake enough to come up with some bright, fruity and creative combination. I just try to get something in.

I hit up the gym for the first workout 2010! I felt fabulouss! Lady Gaga also joined in a few times….

Other than working up a sweat there are a few reasons why I loveee going to the gym.

1) Fluffy white towels and cups of ice water!

I am obsessed with ice. I love it. But the towels are key- I love being able to wipe my face- because I sweat buckets. I also take some home by accident… Although today I saw someone sneeze into their towel. Then I started to wonder if someone had sneezed into the towel I was rubbing my face with. I wish I had not see that.

2) Getting to read my gym-only-book.

My rule with this book is that I can only read this while at the gym- it makes my workout fly by! In fact I don’t even bring the book inside my house form the car- this way I am not tempted to cheat.

3) Ms. Matchy-Matchy in her pink Nike gear. You know who I am talking about. The one person at the gym who makes all of us look like lazy bums in our sloppy workout gear.

(No pic, it would be far too creepy)

Basically when I get to the gym I scope out the field for the best dressed person. And then I beat them. Motivation. Gotta get it from somewhere.

I was starving so I raced home for some whole wheat pita with spinach and squash.

Clearly that was not enough food because I was starving an hour later.

Dinner was brown basmati rice and bbq glazed Tilapia. My mom outdid herself tonight!

So yummiee! I ate about 1/2 of that!

I am off to go drink some green tea and have hot chocolate for dessert!

What motivates you at the gym?


* Don’t forget to enter my Chobani Giveaway*

I have had an AMAZING 2009. But I am ready for 2010!

Let’s talk numbers.

Arms: 12.5 inches

Bust ( w/ double bra): 37 inches

Abs ( around belly button): 37 inches

Butt: 40.5 inches

Biggest part of Thigh: 23 inches

Height: 5 feet 2 3/4 inches

Weight as of Dec 31st 2009: 156.5

BMI: 27.2 ( I put myself in as 5′ 3”)

Overweight = 25-29.9

140.5 puts me at a normal weight. Which is a loss of 16 lbs.

I know BMI is not the most accurate thing in the world- but it is a pretty decent indicator of where things need to be.

The facts.

  • I have not worked out for 10 months due to a lower spine fracture.
  • I have not been on an diet- I basically eat whatever I am in the mood for. Indian, American, junk. All.

The results.

Yes, I made these pictures as tiny as possible. Because who really wants to post unflattering pictures of themselves on the internet? But I don’t think my pictures are that bad.

I love the way I look!

( Sorry Mom& Dad! I don’t dress like this in public)

-This is necessary if you come from a conservative Muslim family 🙂

So what now?

  • I would like to be at a normal weight range for my body that I can maintain ( 140.5).
  • I don’t want to feel like I need to unbutton my pants at the end of each meal.
  • I want to remind myself that I don’t need to eat a lot to be full.
  • I don’t need to eat candy/ m&m’s when I am upset or stressed out with school.
  • I want to exercise for at least 60 mins a day at minimum.
  • I don’t want to feel like an unfit group fitness instructor.
  • I want to keep track of all my meals and workouts daily on my blog to make sure I am keeping up with my plan.
  • I want to feel and be fit and toned.
  • I want to stay injury free and healthy!

Lastly- I want to be a runner!

Oct 16th 2010 here I come!

I don’t have a particular goal I would be happy doing the 5k or 1/2 marathon but 9 months is a long time from now so I have no idea where I will be at that point.

I don’t even know if I will be able to run post-injury. They did mention something about walkers. I will do that.

I have joined Elliptical Challenge 2010 on the lovely Kelly’s blog!

I am off to get ready for a lovely New Year’s eve with the family.

Lots of love and happiness to everyone in 2010!

Dare to dream!

Most people do their dreaming in bed between the hours of 12am-6am. I however can be found dreaming away between  11am and noon, chugging away on a elliptical.  I dream of living in a swanky upscale apartment in the depths of the city. In my dreams I am working to change the world, of course dressed to the nines. I dream of running and feeling the wind in my hair. I dream of smiles. I dream of happiness.

This morning I woke up and realized that I had a dream of my favorite breakfast in the whole wide world.

What is this breakfast?

New Chobani Strawberry- Banana as well as Raspberry!

The lovely Shari sent me two samples of  0% Raspberry and 2% Strawberry -Banana to sample.

I have actually been a HUGE fan of Chobani for as long as I can remember, not only because of their fantastic nutritional info, but the taste! The yogurt is prefect- not too fruity or too sweet. It is truly a delight.

Personally I like to have my morning Chobani with a few extra toppings to charge me through my daily workout.

Here we have some peach and Organic granola action going on with some 2% Strawberry -Banana Chobani.

I already know I love Chobani because I actually buy it on a regular basis but for those who are a little unsure let’s talk some numbers.

For a serving size of 6oz of 0% Raspberry you are getting:

140 Calories

0grams Total fat

0grams Saturated fat

0 grams Trans fat

0mg Cholesterol

65mg Sodium

22g Total Carbohrdrates

1g Dietary Fiber

Sugars 19 g

Protein 14 g

You can find all the nutritional info and other products of Chobani Greek yogurt here

What does this mean for my lucky readers?


( Yes, my very first one)

One lucky reader will receive a CHO-case of blueberry, strawberry and peach!

From the Chobani website: “Chobani, spelled “chopani,” is the Greek word shepherd, and is a symbol of safety and good.”

What in your life is a symbol of safety and good?

1) Comment below the answer to this question for one chance to win.

2) For 2nd chance to enter follow me on twitter @simplysana and tweet the following: ” I want to win a case of @ChobaniNicki from @simplysana!”

I will track all comments and tweets via spreadsheet style and use the random number generator to select a winner.

Contest will end at noon EST on Sunday, January 3rd 2010!

Happy New Year to all 🙂

May 2010 bring peace and happiness!


My life for the next few weeks screen shot style?

Yes, it’s THAT time of the year.

No not spring break.


Sana’s guide to finals week:

  1. Buy a pack of brightly colored Post-its the size of your face.

2. Find the smelliest pen you own. Trust me this works.

3. Get rid of distraction. AKA turn off Facebook and Twitter

4. Gettt crackinggg!

I am super paranoid about getting sick so last night I thought my throat was feeling off so I chugged some green tea.

I also had every intention of going to the gym but I decided to eat a veggie filled dinner instead. Same thing, right?

  • Basmati rice
  • Lentils
  • Spinach with cheese sooo yum!
  • Green beans with tomatoes


I keep reminding myself I don’t need a lot of food to be full and its wokringggg!!!!

This morning I woke up to………………………


To celebrate I stayed home and enjoyed my TJ goodies :)!

I lovee to make Indian pizza with this spread, but you can also add it to rice 🙂


With a non drenched salad I was a happy girl!

❤ Feataaa!

I hope you all are having a lovely weekend! I am going to spend the rest of mine cracking the books!

Question: Do you ever wake up excited to eat something? If so, what is it?

Getting back on the wagon!


This week has been something else. I avoid drama in my life but for some reason it seems to find me. But I have found that as the older I get- there is less and less of it in my life.

So I decided to get a head start on the New Years Resolutioners- because my holidays are over for the year 🙂

What exactly is my plan? I am not aiming to lose XYZ amount of pounds. I just want to stop the mindless eating that I have been doing.

What is mindless?
Eating for the sake of eating and NOT because I am hungry.

My general plan of action is green tea or freshly squeezed OJ for my first food intake of the day. I don’t say breakfast b/c this is usually between the hours of (8am-12) on any given day.

I usually toss in a Special K bar in as well.

For lunch I bring leftovers from dinner with me to campus.

  • Basmati Rice
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach and cheese
  • Chicken with tomato

Yummie in my bellyyyy!

And then for Dinner I grab something from school. Usually I grab an burrito or a quesadilla. But I decided to try out the salad bar:

Ceaser Salad

  • Tomatoes
  • Lettuce
  • Mushrooms
  • Spicy olives? the were gross I did not eat them
  • Cheesee!

So this place made the salad for me like mixing it all up, and I did not like that. I don’t want it soaked- blah:(

Along with a bottle of water this is the perfect amount of food to fill me up for a day.

I always forget this little tit bit. I don’t NEED a lot of food to be full.

On a side note- I started to ride a seated stationary bike ( with my back brace) THIS IS TOUGH!!!!

But I am determined to find a workout plan that works for m<e while being injured- because I took full advantage of the holidays and my efforts are showing!!!

Off to watch an enjoyable TV night- Grey’s ❤