Tag Archives: Indian food

Westside Shelter

For the past two semester I have been volunteering at an off campus homeless shelter. Every Saturday myself and 3-4 other volunteers spend the morning working with the clients. Typically we are there to work on resumes, job searches and bring in positive energy.

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Today we decided to plant a garden! This is just the beginning of a project to bring in a catering company to use the vegetables we are going to grow as well as have a healthy diet for the shelter.

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Super sana

( I was clearly working hard)


I was a great way to spend a Saturday morning!


I enjoyed some lovely eats:


Fresh fruits and a Tomato and Mozzarella Panini


Vegetable Biryani

I ended the day with a 5 mile bike ride and 2.5 hours of roller skating!

QUESTION: What projects do you work on in your local community?

Blogging is not for the weak

WARNING: this sport is not for the faint of heart.

Its been on of those this is my life days. I would post pictures of my eating’s. However I did not eat 😦  How am I supposed to keep a healthy living blog?Let’s backtrack.

Today, was the first day at my 3-week bookstore job and lets just say it took everything out of me. Its not that I have never worked before, I have just never had a job like this. Teaching aerobics and volunteering is DEMANDING, however; I have not faced anything like this.

I woke up at 8:30, yes I was late for my 9am shift at the bookstore. Its a good thing I live 15 minutes away from school. Because I woke up so late I did not even have time to grab a breakfast. My training shift was from 9-2pm but I did not realize I would only get a 15 min break. That only gave me enough time to use the ladies room and walk back. Because it was my first time as a cashier, I was taught a WHOLE bunch of things and then just set off with customers. I felt bad when I could not help them. I kept reminding myself that doing something new was good for me and that I was not too terrible 🙂

After 6 hours of standing I booked it home and passed out on my couch ( my feet are KILLING me) and my mom brought my indian pizza. Perks of living at home, at this rate I will never move out.

Home-cooked meals, EVERY NIGHT!!!

So here is where I am at a loss, this is going to be my life starting from September 1st. I won’t be able to eat food, even if I do bring it. This brings me right back to my original problem of getting ALL of my calories when the day ends. And by that point, I don’t care what I eat.

College life is NOT the most healthy,but I don’t want to be like everyone else. I want to do better, and treat my body better. I think the key factor that I am missing is BREAKFAST. If I could wake up early enough to grab something, I might be able to maintain some what of a healthy lifestyle.

For dinner I ate white basmati rice with sweet  and sour chicken 🙂

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 The love of my life 🙂


Net books are AMAZING, I don’t know what I would do without my baby, I just slip it into my handbag and I am off!

So that is my flash drive, its soooo small I WILL lose it, can I attach it to something? String? Bread tie? Key chain?

QUESTION: Am I the only one who “skips” breakfast?