145.5 Post-spring break life

Thankfully the weather is all sunny because I am losing my mind….

My baby 🙂

as per usual school is back in full swing. I have 24 credits left to graduate and it’s officially crunch time!

Earlier this week I banged out two miles 😉

Does anyone have attractive kneecaps? Because I sure don’t!

Running is HARD. I want to stop many many many many times. I want to be fast. I want to finish at a set time. I ran two miles in 22 minutes.

This might seem slow, but when I first started running 3 months ago, I could not run for longer than 30 seconds.

I love pushing myself.

When stressed I either cry or run. Sometimes crying wins more than running. It happens.

I love being a runner. It is heart-pumping and majorly kick-ass!

It is the beginning of April and lets see where I am with my weight-loss

Yes, this is my healthy living blog, and a big part of being healthy is being at a healthy weight, so I will be talking in numbers.

( Click to enlarge)

I am freaking proud of myself



Staying healthy in college:

-Share dessert! I always have a friend next to me when I want dessert.

-Make working out a priority. Exams and homework will always be there find time to get your workout in.

-Eat! I eat every 2-4 hours. If you let yourself get too hungry you will settle for an unhealthy choice just to let yourself be full.

I hope everyone is out enjoying this LOVELY weather!!!

19 responses to “145.5 Post-spring break life

  1. WOW YOU LOOK AWEESOME! great job girl! AMAZING tips- i agree w. everything u said!

  2. You look FANTASTIC!!! I love your healthy little secrets. 🙂

  3. You look great girl! I’m so proud of you!

    And running IS hard.

  4. 1) SO PROUD OF YOU!!! you are doing great!

    2) i love your tips- ESPECIALLY Share Dessert – this is such a wonderful tip. it makes the indulgence SO MUCH MORE FUN, too :0)

    3) =) you are awesome. [as are our gchats 😉 ]

  5. You look gorgeous Sana…not that ever stopped looked gorgeous.

    Can I share an especially great dessert tip? Have a cup of tea at the same time, you’ll get so full you won’t even be able to eat 1/4 of the dessert. And since you are Indian like me, tea is no problem. 🙂

    Have a great week!

  6. leangreendeane

    Wonderful accomplishment! I am very impressed and can’t wait to see how you plan to continue your healthy journey! 24 Credits left, huh? Hopefully most of your chem labs are out of the way and you can just cruise on through! What are your plans afterwards? Med school?

  7. you look absolutely amazinggggggggg!!!!! greek food SOON ! let me know!

  8. You look AMAZE!!! [and don’t worry about those kneecaps, mine are hideous! haha]

    😀 Congrats on doing so well with your weight loss. I need to take a page from your book!

  9. You are doing an awesome job!!

  10. You look amazing! You are making awesome, awesome progress!

  11. I’ve been running since I was 12, and I still think running is hard!

    You are looking stunning, Sana! Keep it up! You’ve got to be close to your goal weight, if not there already!

  12. you look wonderful!!! so inspiring 😉

  13. dang girl, you are looking hot!!

  14. It’s so weird that you mention knee caps, because lately I’ve been feeling like my knees got fat, no matter how irrational that sounds. I love reading what you’re up to, you’re such an inspiration ❤

  15. You looks awesome! Great job!!
    Haha I hate knee caps! They’re not attractive on anyone!

  16. ahh Sana im so proud of you! 🙂 lets go running together this summer!!!

  17. You look great girl!! I love your approach to weight loss… very well balanced 😉 xoxo

  18. Pingback: Something Left to Be Desired | Super Sana!

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